
If you'd like to contribute to the development of LOTRem Ipsum, you can do so in the following ways.

Tell us what you think

We started building this tool to suit our own needs. However, our ultimate goal is to make this tool as versatile for as many fellow web developers and web designers as possible. If you have any improvement ideas or feature requests, we kindly invite you to drop us an email or Tweet us about it. Thank you!

Sharing is caring

If you find our tool useful or maybe you just like it, please consider sharing it on any of the social media platforms. We'd love to show our work to as many people as possible, to which you can contribute to with just a few clicks. Thank you!

Buy us some Elvish waybread

If you think our work deserves more than that, you can support us with a donation. Here's our PayPal link. Thank you very much!